Why do most candidates give up during the IAS/UPSC Exam Preparation?

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The major question before every IAS aspirant would be nothing other than what all strategies should he/she should employ to clear the civil services exam. The irony is that most candidates despite knowing these things would not do them. Only a couple of them would be able to make it to the top right now or may be in the next year.

It might sound simple and yet it is complex owing to the fact that candidates avoid doing things despite knowing them to absolutely vital for their success.   Most candidates would have ideally gone through interviews given by toppers; the strategies used by them; attended trainings conducted by top institutes renowned for IAS exam coaching; read various inspirational articles and in spite of all this he/she would still be lagging behind when it comes to the matter for the UPSC exam preparation.

Most candidates are well aware of the fact that in order to clear the Mains writing practice would be of immense help and still would leave it for another day due to some reason. This would lead to the hard realisation that such a day might come too late or even not. Same is the case with prelims exam where the candidates relying on writing mock papers and postponing them.

Now the question comes as to why candidates postpone their preparation.

A candidate might keep his preparation for another day viz. procrastinate owing to various reasons like not having the right motivation, lack of self-belief/confidence or even worried about whether he/she would fail in their attempt. She/He might be waiting for the perfect moment for grabbing the right materials, clearing the concepts, preparing notes and so on. The fact still remains that procrastinating things would seriously hamper the chances of success. What the candidate fails to remember is that there are always people out there who do not keep things for another day and he/she are way behind them when the matter comes to UPSC exam preparation.

Whenever a candidate feels like procrastinating by skipping the difficult task and choosing an easier one it might feel good in the moment. This would literally remove the chances of clearing the goals.

A candidate might provide different sorts of excuses in the form of self justifications. For instance She/He might say-

"I would write the mock test tomorrow as I have to complete making the notes on Polity".

It might be right in writing the test for the next day however the candidate should check as to whether she/He is giving the right reason while postponing the exam. If the justification seems invalid a candidate should be aware that there are thousands of people who are writing the test so why can't she/He do the same?

For candidates there are a number of training institutes available for IAS coaching. Among these institutes Byju's have been a real sensation among various study circles. As per the institute approximately around 3.5 million students are using the byju's app from byju's classes to augment their preparation.

Check out the video lectures for UPSC/IAS Exam Preparations


– Guest article from Byju IAS Institute



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  1. sunil September 9, 2016

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